CLÉMENT BORDERIE | Le laisser-faire
In situ
14 June 2020 - 18 July 2020
Process* | Attitude | Manufacturing machine | Architecture | Observation | Time thickness | Matrix | Living World | Quantum | Allocated time | Territory | Light | Measuring tool | Particles | Perceptible | In situ | Matter movement | Capture | Trace | Energy | Space-time
* The Borderie Process, quote of Bernard Lamarche-Vadel in a text about the artist written in 1989
“Just when technological innovations are invading the art world, I think that the Living World is sending us a crucial message, in its own language… For my part, I am incorporating it as a creative process within my research”. Clément Borderie’s declaration, with its very specific echoes in this moment of health crisis, reminds us that his environmental concerns have been at the heart of his work for well-nigh thirty years. The artist has in effect asserted his own identity by drawing the main themes of his work from nature, as illustrated by the “matrices”, which are especially emblematic of his approach based on the principle of process or “permanent change” (Clément Borderie).
Domitille d’Orgeval
Launch of the book Les Bosons de l’art written by Ghislaine Rios on the work of Clément Borderie based on conversations with the artist:
– Saturday, June 13rd from 2pm to 7pm at the ecological park of Senlis among the 14 Matrixes of the artist (rue du Moulin St Rieul, 60300 Senlis)
Book signing and conversation between Ghislaine Rios and Clément Borderie organized by La Fabrique de l’Esprit
– Sunday, June 14th from 2pm to 6pm at galerie Jousse Entreprise (6 rue Saint-Claude, 75003 Paris)
Book signing and conversation between Ghislaine Rios and Clément Borderie
Photos: Paul Nicoué
Press release (PDF)
Vernissage : 14/06/2020 2:00 pm
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